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YSENGRIN : Alchimëte - tape

 After lots of delay the "ALCHIMËTE" release is finally out! Pro-covers and pro-tapes with gold print.
Nearly half an hour of 4 exclusive tracks recorded in MMIX, mixed and mastered at Rosenkrantz Studio in MMX.

Ysengrin - Alchimëte - Tape

Track list:

Samples here:

YSENGRIN born as a solo project of Guido Saint Roch in order to play dark and melancolic music. The influences mostly came from Death, Black and Doom metal, but also from the old-school thrash/heavy scene. The lyrics deal with the occult, ancient times, decadence thems, a mix of esoteric and french Romantic litteratures.
A second album untitled "TRAGEDIES - LIBER HERMETIS" is currently in mastering, and this time Guido was helped by 4 musicians came from differents bands to erect a long mystic journey...

PESTE NOIRE: Folkfuck Folie - Vinyl edition

The vinyl edition of Folkfuck Folie from Peste Noire is now available.
This Lp has been released on co-operation between De profundis and Northern Heritage.
The Lp contain a big inedit out dated interview released on news paper format made by Famine after the coming of this opus on 2007.
Famine wanted to give an answer about some bad talks circulating on Internet concerning this album and Peste Noire in generality.

Peste Noire - FFF - LP

De profundis:
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Northern Heritage:
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Stielas Storhett - SKD

The new MCD of the Russian band Stielas Storhett is now released by De profundis

Using fast and mid tempo, this MCD is a high level played dark melancholic Black Metal, with the unique touch of Damien T.G. (Mor, Unhallowed)

Stielas Storhett - SKD

Track list:

SKD I: 8min 08s

SKD II: 7 min 18s

Recorded at Cerber & Infernal Fields studios, Murmansk, winter 2008, mixed at Rosenkrantz studio, Ledenon and mastered at Finnvox studio by Mika Jussila, Helsinki, 2009

Released by De profundis editions

Zines ask for a promo

Audio sample and infos about Stielas Storhett:

Stielas Storhett was formed in Murmansk in 2005 by the only member - Damien T.G. Having certain musical experience as a background (Unhallowed, later – Sect, Mor) Damien recorded the debut album straight in 2006. The same year "Vandrer..." was released by the German label Northern Silence (Amesoeurs, Valkyrja, Dusk etc.) as cd/digi. According to the label, that release became Black Metal Album of the year and was highly acclaimed in press. The next year the album was reissued as mc by Belorussian Misanthropic Propaganda. 2007 was marked by work on the split album "Death Comes from the North", with the line-up of Stielas Storhett, Mor, Liholesie. That lengthy and conceptual album was released by Assault records (Old Wainds, Nav', Mor etc.) as cd/digi in 2008.


Peste Noire - La Sanie des siècles - Vinyl edition

The highly anticipated first album of Peste Noire  "La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence" is now released on LP format. Several problems delayed the printing process, but now the LPs are in stock!

The release is a proud collaboration of De profundis, and Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions.
The LP contains same tracks as the CD version, only the track order has been changed, and the layout is different.


Peste Noire - La Sanie - LP

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Retail, wholesale & selected trades: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


False Rosenkrantz myspace website

Incredible but true, a false Rosenkrantz myspace is on

And some false post on forums have been made too.

They've been created by the most stupid guy I meet in my life: Noctu from Drakkar productions.
Of course, all the informations and contact on this myspace pages are falses, never try to contact me by this way.
You'll find the good infos and contact only on the official Rosenkrantz website :

Don't really understand why he pass much time to made some childish jokes than working on his owns activities, seems this guy have nothing else to do in his life, and that he's not able to forgot me.
Strange because I totally don't give a fuck about him...

Hey bastard Noctu! If you've a problem with me, please come in front of me rather making some pathetics actions, I wait you and will be happy to shoot your fat ass!
But I'm sure you'll not do that, as the last time I come to hit you, the only thing you do was to try to call the police, hey!



For those who ask of what happen between Noctu and me in the past here is my version of the history:

We have work together to Celestia, and was friends.

We've work 8 years with a complete comprehensivity, and have no problems together.

At the end, it seems we take 2 differents way, nothing wrong just that with the time our respective sensibility have changed.

We decide to stop working together.

Noctu told me he'll continue Celestia in a different way.

But 2 weeks after I've seen on an interview he made that I was fired because I was too bad to play correctly on Celestia, and that I listen gay music etc..

Well it seems Noctu take 8 years to understand that.

After that he go directly to the french music and autor protection, taking all the rights on Celestia.

From this time I receive regulary some phone jokes, and he spreads some false rumors on internet (like the De profundis label is dead, etc..)

He made that for a lot of other people on the metal scene.

For me he's just jealous of the other. He is a weak.

I go directly to fight him on his video game shop, and he refuse to go out.

I was waiting him from outdoors, and see he was trying to call the police.

This guy have no honour, and no brave.

I just don't give a fuck about him, and want to forgot him, but now I need to return back his money.

Noctu if you don't like this words, think that the shit came entirely from you, and now I need to react agains you.




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